
Erhua Li / 2023-03-18

Keywords: snacks

Saturday, March 18, 2023. Sunny.

When I was young, I loved eating snacks. I would often go to the cupboard to see what I could eat. At that time, I didn’t have a sugar addiction. I would sneakily eat Want Want crackers, sweet twists, dried plums, and when my parents found out, they were already all gone.

But it’s strange because before I put the snacks in my mouth, I didn’t really have a desire to eat them. The most joyful moment was actually when I opened the cupboard.

Once I opened the packaging and started eating, I couldn’t stop.

Nowadays, we also stock some small snacks at home. Although there are no sweets anymore, we have some jerky or nuts. I don’t have a desire for jerky until I open it, and then I can’t stop eating it. Nuts, on the other hand, are the opposite. I always feel like opening the package, but every time I do, I end up throwing away half of it.

Apart from these long-shelf-life snacks, the snacks we have now are mostly instant snacks like chicken feet, duck necks, lamb skewers. I really like these snacks that don’t have much meat but still taste good. I can eat them slowly. I really enjoy this leisurely time, which is rare and comfortable.

Whenever I went to my grandmother’s house when I was a child, I liked to open the drawer of the old-fashioned table. The table was square with a deep brownish-black color. These two drawers were particularly large, extending all the way to 20-30 centimeters above the ground. The legs of the table were also decorated with patterns.

The left drawer often had interesting little gadgets, my grandfather’s magnifying glass, and some interesting books. Of course, there would also be snacks. In addition to this, my grandmother had a small round box that she called the “cat box”. There were also snacks inside, and I would often go and dig through it and eat whatever I found.

The variety of snacks nowadays is so much more than before, but I still miss the times when my grandfather would say to me, “I have prepared something delicious for you.” I also miss the ubiquitous purslane flowers at my grandfather’s house.

Whenever the sun sets, I always wait for you here, even though it’s raining in the sky. I still wait for your return. – “The Outside World”