
Erhua Li / 2023-08-29

I’ve always wanted to learn skateboarding, but I’ve never given myself the chance.

In April this year, I saw my colleague learning Lu Chong, and I also had this idea. So I did all kinds of research and finally bought a Carver PU bridge board.

But for various reasons, I still didn’t start learning it and it just gathered dust at my place. In between, I also consulted with colleagues on how to get started, but I was still worried that I would learn it wrong at the beginning and not be able to correct it, so I always wanted to find a coach to teach me, but this became an obstacle for me, so I kept putting it off.

After that, I always said that I would learn it, but I kept dragging my feet without taking action.

Until this Monday (August 28th), I told myself that if I don’t start now, the board may really be wasted and I would lose enthusiasm for learning it. At the time, I bought a relatively expensive board just to use the price factor to force myself to start learning it, and learn it not casually.

Finally I took the first step. Yingying helped me find good tutorial videos. At the small road downstairs at home, I watched the videos and imitated learning at the same time. From the initial confusion of learning the basics, to getting directly on the board and gliding later, to finally being able to twist on the board and move forward myself, it took less than two hours in total.

Then I started practicing in various places throughout the complex, from the small road in front of the building, to the sunken square, and finally to the deserted main road at midnight.

It is said that poor students have more stationery, but for me, having more and expensive stationery does have a good effect, that is, I will at least not give up learning this skill because of the price factor. I had the same idea when I bought the A7M4. It’s said that cameras easily gather dust after buying, and if I bought a camera for a few thousand yuan, it would most likely gather dust, because at that price I wouldn’t feel bad about it gathering dust. But after buying the A7M4, whenever I was too lazy to take it with me, the price of the body plus lens of more than 30,000 yuan seemed to tell me: you’d better take me out, otherwise the money would be wasted. So I would really take it out to shoot things, and I learned a lot of theoretical and practical photography knowledge. Similarly, the Lu Chong board, if I had casually bought a board for a few hundred yuan, I guess I wouldn’t have thought about learning it again after another six months.