Rose Boy

Erhua Li / 2022-10-27

Keywords: Rose Boy

Recently, the background music I listen to while working is “Rose Boy” by Mayday.

I quite like Mayday. The first song I heard from them was “Stubborn” when I was in junior high school, and I really liked the lyrics at that time.

After the graduation ceremony in junior high, I hummed a few lines in my seat. A girl passed by me and said to me, “It’s Mayday’s song.”

I still remember the name of that girl, and her daughter is also very cute.

Later, I had my own music player, and it had a lot of Mayday’s songs in it.

In my sophomore year of high school, I had a car accident. After returning to school, the songs I listened to the most in the morning were “Suddenly I Miss You” and “Purple Wisteria”.

It was probably in April or May. I remember the gentle breeze in the morning, the sunlight that wasn’t too dazzling outside, and the view outside the window at that time.

Later, when I went to university, the song I listened to a lot while running was “I Don’t Want You to Be Alone”.

Then, I started listening to Mayday less frequently.

One day, I suddenly heard a song that I really liked. I searched for it and found out that it was “Rose Boy” by Mayday.

After many years, I have listened to it so frequently again, and I still think it’s great!

I haven’t forgotten, I just lost a little bit of attention. You are still the same people I knew back then.

Every rose has its thorns.