Once in a Lifetime

Erhua Li / 2023-03-18

Keywords: Once in a Lifetime, Saturday

Saturday, March 18, 2023 – Sunny

At this moment, I am sitting on the sofa in the lobby of the company, with a transparent glass wall behind me. Outside the glass wall is the blinding sun around 2 o’clock, but I am truly enjoying this present moment – the warmth of the sunlight, the laziness of my posture, and the music I love playing in my headphones. Like this, holding my laptop, I type out one character after another…

What do people need? If you ask me to summarize my view in one sentence, it would be to often be in a state where you feel comfortable. Recently, I have been working overtime frequently, so I cherish this kind of time even more.

When do I feel comfortable? On a stormy rainy day, lounging on the sofa, reading a book with no substance; on a sunny day, going for a solitary stroll, sitting on a protruding small rock, observing the flora and fauna, teasing the little ants; on a cloudy day, going to see the broken walls, which suit the sense of destruction and desolation that comes with cloudy days; when the summer sun is scorching, sitting under a phoenix tree, listening to the cicadas and eating an unsweetened ice cream; after a heavy downpour, going to the garden to see the rose I like, plucking a petal and tasting it; on a summer evening, walking on the endless road lined with poplar trees, looking for a cicada, of course, I prefer to call it “Jie Le Gui”; going to the green wheat field and lying down without any defense; in a ventilated vegetable greenhouse, picking a dragon fruit on the greenhouse wall; on the coastal road, riding a low-powered moped and listening to the song “First Love”; sitting by the window in the library, bringing along a diary, using ink in favorite colors to record today’s activities; finding a never-ending highway, driving with undivided attention, and playing the song “A Horse with No Name”…

You see, it seems like there is really no need for too much, and it seems that it can be done without many people.

But every time seems like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the next time will not be exactly the same as the current one, and the present moment will not come again…

“We’ll wait by the lake on the grasslands for the birds to return, and when we all grow up, we’ll have a baby doll” – “If There Is Reincarnation”