NetEase Cloud Music Annual Report

Erhua Li / 2022-12-29

The annual listening report of NetEase Cloud Music for 2022 was released on December 29th. This is my 8th year using NetEase Cloud Music.

The comments feature on NetEase Cloud Music was a major factor when I first started using it. Later on, it became a common feature on many other music apps as well. However, due to the habit I developed from using NetEase Cloud Music, I continued to stick with this platform, even though many songs do not have copyright and there are quite a few ads.

Currently, I mainly use several music apps, including NetEase Cloud Music, Soda Music, and Listen 1 (it has a large selection of songs and allows you to listen to all channels without VIP access, you can also download songs, but it doesn’t have a mobile version and can only be used as a browser extension).

For me, NetEase Cloud Music is the platform I use most frequently when I’m on the subway or riding a bike. Soda Music is linked to Douyin (TikTok), so I go there to find songs that I have saved in my short videos (NetEase Cloud Music generally doesn’t have the rights to these songs, and other platforms can’t access them because they are personal creations). When I’m working, most of the background music I use actually comes from Listen 1.

Since NetEase Cloud Music started releasing annual listening reports, I have been generating and recording them every year. It gradually became a part of my year-end summary, similar to Alipay’s annual collection feature.

In addition to the summaries we need to do for work, we also need to summarize our lives. I used to dislike writing these detailed things, and I usually didn’t share my long reviews and records because I selfishly believed that they were meant for my personal reflection and were not worth sharing with others. But later on, I realized that I should write more, not just as a way of recording, but also as a reflection of my state of mind at that time.

Here is the summary of my year for this year:

I have also organized the annual reports from 2019 to 2021 here:

The songs in NetEase Cloud Music’s annual playlist are not necessarily my favorite songs and cannot represent what kind of person I am. However, they reflect how much time I spent on the platform during a certain period and within the range of music it provides. I feel it is necessary to record this and have something to look back on in the future.

Year Song Reasons for Being on the List
2022 明月星河 Bright sound, lyrics I like, background music for my electric commute, unexpected to be on the list and ranked first
2022 你都忘了你有多美 Unique voice, lazy feeling, unrelated lyrics, like the melody, essential for leisurely riding a motorcycle in the evening