My COVID-19 Chronicle

Erhua Li / 2022-12-18

One-sentence summary: Discomfort, extreme discomfort.

Medication record: 4 tablets of ibuprofen.

Specific physical sensations: Phlegm in throat, high fever up to 39 degrees Celsius, muscle pain, heavy-headedness.

Since Beijing implemented strict lockdown measures and zero tolerance for COVID-19 cases, it took only one weekend to lift all restrictions.

I returned to the office on December 7th, which was a Wednesday. Many colleagues also resumed work that day.

I worked until Friday and discovered that there were positive cases in the company, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. On Monday, December 12th, I went to the office as usual and learned that many colleagues who had come to work last week had already been infected and started to have a fever. I felt like I might not be able to escape it, so I decided to work from home starting from the next day.

I started working from home on Tuesday, but had no symptoms throughout the day. On Wednesday afternoon, I had a slight cough, and I was discussing with friends in a group chat why I still didn’t have any symptoms.

Then, for some reason, I couldn’t sleep the whole night until three or four in the morning on Thursday.

When I woke up on Thursday morning, I felt uncomfortable all over my body. Although I originally planned to sleep until after 9 am, my on-call phone started ringing one after another before 8 am. There was a problem with a service online, so I had to endure the throbbing in my head and quickly troubleshoot and resolve the issue. After solving the problem, I was exhausted, so I took a sick leave.

At noon, I measured my body temperature and it was 38.5 degrees Celsius. I ate something casually and took ibuprofen (the first tablet). I started sleeping from 2 pm in the afternoon, but I didn’t sleep very soundly because there were many things to handle in the work group chat. I slept until after 6 pm and felt much better, with no abnormal body temperature.

I took ibuprofen again at 10 pm (the second tablet). I woke up again at 00:59 am, awakened by a fever1. I measured my body temperature and it was 39.3 degrees Celsius. I dragged my discomforted body to the bathroom, wet a towel to physically cool down, boiled water, and drank a lot of water. It lasted until after 2 am, and I found that my body temperature was around 38.5 degrees Celsius, so I went back to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, it was already after 9 am. I took another day off and continued to sleep. When I woke up at noon, my body temperature was 39.8 degrees Celsius, and the fever became more severe. I started taking ibuprofen again (the third tablet) and increased physical cooling. I bought some ice popsicles and ate them vigorously.

I felt somewhat better around 4 pm in the afternoon, and at this time, there was an alarm in the work group chat, so I went to handle it.

I had hot pot for dinner. Before going to sleep, I measured my body temperature and it was 38.5 degrees Celsius. I thought the problem should be manageable, but I was worried that I might have a high fever again at night, so I took another tablet of ibuprofen (the fourth tablet). I woke up once at night, and this time I boiled a large pot of hot water and drank some preserved plums (they tasted very bitter, drinking plain water didn’t work at all).

I woke up on Saturday feeling somewhat better. My temperature didn’t rise too high throughout the day, ranging from 37 to 38 degrees Celsius. I didn’t take any more medication, only used physical cooling.

When I ate something cold for dinner on Saturday, my stomach felt uncomfortable. I went to the restroom a few times and even had nausea and vomiting, but it didn’t affect my sleep. I didn’t wake up again after 4 am.

On Sunday2, my body had already started to recover to its pre-illness state, but I still slept for a long time. I woke up in the afternoon and went to buy pork ribs. I stewed them, which made me feel much better. Then, in the evening, I wrote this COVID-19 chronicle.

  1. This fever was similar to the never-ending cycle of high fever I had when I was a child. I would always dream of cleaning tiles, but just when everything was about to be cleaned, everything collapsed and started over again. This time, my fever made my mind draw endless flowcharts, but without that sense of collapse.
  2. Today, the Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong region had a long-lasting outage. As of the completion of writing this article, the service had not yet been restored. This blog post was uploaded after it was restored on the second day.