Excessive Sleepiness

Erhua Li / 2023-01-08

Ever since recovering from COVID-19, I’ve become particularly prone to excessive sleepiness.

Before, when I would come home from work, although I would feel tired, I could still stay awake until around 1 am after having a late-night snack. The next day, I would wake up feeling refreshed and could maintain my work efficiency without needing a nap.

Now, after coming home, once I finish eating my late-night snack, I no longer have the energy to do anything else. By 12 am, my mind feels heavy, and I become unable to think clearly. If I haven’t laid down by 12:30 am, my eyes can’t stay open. The next day during work, I need to take a nap during lunchtime; otherwise, my work efficiency will greatly decrease.

I had planned to finish organizing the “Fundamentals of Photography” project by the end of Q4 and the beginning of Q1, but I haven’t been able to complete it.

Today is Sunday, and I woke up before 8 am, but I felt extremely groggy, so I went back to sleep. Then, I had a dream about my excessive sleepiness, and in the dream, I slept for 20 hours in a day. It made me worry a bit.

Taking advantage of the good weather today, with a maximum temperature of 10℃ at noon, I plan to go out for a bike ride, hoping that exercise can improve my current situation.

As I get older, I feel like I no longer have control over my energy and focus. I should abandon my previous sleep and lifestyle habits from a few years ago or even during my student days. I am preparing to make a plan and also document the changes I will make in 2023.