
Erhua Li / 2022-10-30

Keywords: elimination

Thousands of sails pass by the side of a stranded boat, and countless trees bloom in front of a withered tree.

Last night (2022-10-29), I went to eat at Hai Di Lao. While I was eating, the word “elimination” popped into my head.

I wanted to write something yesterday, but I was a bit tired when I got back, so I just wrote a title.

While eating at Hai Di Lao, I heard many songs, old and new. In an instant, I recognized one of them as Liang Jingru’s “Love You More Than Just Two or Three Days.”

I remember that this song was in my first mobile phone and it was the song I listened to the most at that time.

At that time, I was in middle school, and during the transition from spring to summer, I would often move a small table and a small chair to the balcony to do my homework. I remember one day very clearly. I was doing physics homework on the balcony, specifically about electricity. The yellow flowers of the cactus on the balcony were particularly beautiful.

I took some pictures, and this song was playing in my earphones. The cheerful voice, the warm breeze outside, the scent of flowers and grass in the air, and some indescribable springtime aroma, warm and sunny.

At that time, the storage space on my phone was limited, so in order to download more songs, I had to delete some that were not as good. It was a difficult process, as I am someone who has a hard time letting go of things.

But everything will eventually be eliminated, whether or not I’m willing to let go, there are some songs in my phone that must be eliminated.

The phone was still working well, and it was my first phone that accompanied me for several years, but its ultimate fate was elimination.

Perhaps in many years, Hai Di Lao will also be eliminated.

The existence of things is not eternal. The replacement of old things with new things is an inevitable process. Factory assembly lines, your clothes, our environment, are constantly being updated and replaced.

Change is the only certain thing, and the end of change is elimination.

The ultimate fate of everyone’s physical body is to be recycled and eliminated by nature, so we might as well be bold, even bolder. After all, the ending has already been written, so what is there to be afraid of?

