Dali (To be continued...)

Erhua Li / 2023-07-27


Preparation items…


Take a flight to Kunming on the night of the 14th, arrive at the hotel at 3 o’clock on the 15th, rest in the morning, take a train to Dali in the afternoon, and arrive at Banxi Village in the evening.

Biking by Erhai Lake

The 16th is Sunday, start biking from S Bay, around Erhai Lake.

Small motorcycle tour around Erhai Lake

Monday the 17th, rent a Victoria motorcycle for a week-long tour around Erhai Lake.

Small house under the Cangshan Mountain

On the 18th, a house at the foot of Cangshan Mountain.

Also received news of a water leak in Room 309…

Dreaming to “Xizhou”

On the 19th, go to Xizhou.

Cable car on Cangshan Mountain

Go to Cangshan Mountain on the 20th.


Go to Shaxi on the 21st, unpredictable weather, stay overnight in Shaxi; return on the next day (22nd).
