
Erhua Li / 2022-10-28

Keywords: Ultraman

Today, while I was at work, the word “茧” (cocoon) suddenly came to mind.

A cocoon can wrap around a silkworm.

When I was very young, probably just starting to remember things, I vaguely remember my grandmother raising silkworms. I was afraid of these little creatures at the time, mainly because their squirming made me feel uncomfortable.

During that time, I often imagined what would happen if a silkworm quietly crawled onto me and how startled I would be when I discovered it.

Later, my grandmother stopped raising silkworms. As I grew older, I wasn’t so afraid of these insects anymore.

Silkworms eat mulberry leaves, so there are mulberry trees. With mulberry trees, there are mulberries. I still remember when I was very young, I would go to the mulberry forest to pick mulberries. But later, the mulberry forest disappeared, leaving only one mulberry tree next to my friend’s house. In summer and autumn, the mulberries would go from green to purple, and they had a slightly astringent taste, but I still remember the flavor.

Thinking of mulberries led me to think of yam beans, don’t ask me how, I just did.

When I was young, I loved going to the fields in autumn to pick yam beans. Although they were difficult to peel and not particularly tasty, I found it interesting because I picked them myself. I would bring them home, and my grandmother would steam a potful, and I would have a bowl of them.

Cocoons can also wrap around information.

Recently, I’ve been looking for a camera, so sometimes when I come home early, I’ll open YouTube and watch camera reviews by different content creators, like TIM, Links, Gu Jun, and many more. And then I noticed that my instant messaging app, my browser ads, and other video platforms started recommending camera-related content.

It feels like a cocoon that’s enveloped all this camera information, and I’m also inside this cocoon.

Silkworm cocoons, information cocoons, both are cocoons, one can be broken open, and the other closes tighter.

We all live inside cocoons, but I don’t want to stay inside one forever.

