
这是 李二花 的个人主页。本科专业是化工与控制,研究生偏向于材料(超高周疲劳的无损检测)。毕业后从事代码相关的工作,目前就职于一家陌生人社交公司。

平时常看书,爱影视 (各种恐怖悬疑剧集),随心听歌, 会占卜(六壬、四柱与八字),可看风水(住宅吉凶),能画符(开玩笑的),做过 FM 频道主播(单次最多收到打赏 10 块 😂),济南监狱当过老师(不要怀疑),会做饭 (厨房里有 N 口锅),偶尔玩一下游戏 (有台 Switch),有一台无反相机(SONY A7M4, 还有一台佳能 60D 已退休),还是个陆冲少年(有个 carver 陆冲板),最近在学漂移板,喜欢流程梳理 (爱折腾 workflow 工具, 推崇 Vim 的流程理念),有一辆巡航摩托(极大的提升了北京出行的幸福感,不堵车!),还有一辆特斯拉 Model Y(极大的拓展了出行半径,说走就走的露营和旅行)。

后端研发 占卜师 二花老师 低频游戏玩家 野生摄影师 陆冲爱好者 工具产品收集爱好者 巡航摩托 Model Y


The breeze on the river, and the moon between the mountains, the ear to get the sound, the eye to meet the color, to take the inexhaustible. It is the endless treasure of the creator.

I’m Erhua, graduated from Shandong University, after which I left school and moved to Beijing to start my coding career. I have met a lot of friends in Beijing. I like reading, cooking and I have a motorcycle. I had a very happy time in Manchester and hope to have such a leisurely time in Beijing sometime.